About Me

I am 21 years old, I was educated at home all of my school years and I continue to learn and study on my own.  I live in Southwest Missouri with my parents and 6 of my 8 siblings.  I first heard of essential oils several years ago.  We had read that lavender oil helped with PMS and worked as a flea repellent (two things that are not at all related to each other, but lavender is one oil that is useful for just about anything that you could imagine!)  My Mom bought some lavender essential oil at a local health food store.  It did nothing for us except smell nice so we stopped using it.  It sat in a cabinet for 1-2 years or so and I decided to try using it again.  This time, not only did it not work, but I noticed that it had started to smell a little rancid.  I have since learned that a truly pure essential oil should last forever and still be just as potent.  I now use Young Living's lavender oil on a regular basis for the things that I mentioned along with a host of other things including allergies and burns.  It works great!  So that was my first introduction to essential oils.

A little over a year ago, my family went to a conference where we met a wonderful woman, Maris, R. who is now in my Young Living upline.  Maris had a booth at the conference where she was sharing about Young Living essential oils.  I started studying these oils and others and the more I studied (and continue to study today) the more excited I became about these wonderful, healing oils given to us by God!  I could go on and on about how great these oils are, but suffice it to say that I signed up as a distributor under Maris and started using the oils.  Carrie S., another beautiful woman and Maris' upline in Young Living, sent me a partial bottle of Copaiba oil.  I kept it for over a year and just recently used it along with other oils to keep down inflammation and swelling after I had my wisdom teeth removed.  It smelled the same as it had a year ago and worked wonders for my teeth, (or lack of them rather.) 

Since signing up with Young Living, I have tried oils from several other companies.  Some of them were very good, but even those I eventually came to the conclusion that they were not as effective as Young Living oils.  Once I realized that Young Living is so much better than the other oils that I tried, I became very inspired and am so excited to share these oils with everyone that I can!      

I am a YoungLiving Independent Distributor, not because I make lots of money, but because I want to help people using some of the best remedies that Yahweh has made available to us: essential oils.  I am also interested in herbs and eating healthy, organic food, but I especially like the oils.  They are basically concentrated herbs and they are mentioned and used throughout the Bible.  I believe that if we want to be healthy we should cooperate with the way the Creator designed our bodies and nature to function.  Essential oils are a big part of that.